RESTful Web Services : Exposing The APIs With Rest Services

 RESTful Web Services: Exposing The APIs With Rest Services 

Being in the world of Web Development, one might come along the concept known as REST Web API.

 First, let me introduce to you the Client-Server Architecture. Most of the applications, if not all, use this architect these days. The app itself is the client or the front end part, has to talk to server or the back-end part to get or save the data. This communication happens using the HTTP Protocol, the same protocol that powers our web. Under server, we expose a bunch of services that are accessible via the HTTP Protocol. The client can then directly call the services by sending HTTP Request. Then the REST comes into the picture.

REST (REpresentational State Transfer) is basically a convention for building these HTTP services. Use simple HTTP Protocol Principles to Create/Read/Update/Delete (CRUD operations) the data (called as Resources).

HTTP Methods

1. GET             =      For getting data

2. POST           =      For creating data

3. PUT              =     For updating data

4. DELETE      =      For deleting data

As on the client side, Request the server to get the required data. The HTTP request should be as URI (Unified Resource Identifier) to locate the resource on the server and process is 'Addressing'. The server will send the Response in an XML or a JSON format. 

API stands for Application Program Interface, is a source through which applications interact with each other. An application can within itself through an API and with other applications. A good application is one which can interact with other applications. For examples, you have got a channel on with multiple videos uploaded on it. When someone wants to search for a specific video on your channel, then YouTube will use its API by interacting with your channel to find that specific video and the link will look as


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